One of my goals for this summer is to make some strides as a seamstress. I’ve been practicing on my kids, turning out tiny trousers for both of them (love: Made by Rae Big Butt Baby Pants and Lotta Jansdotter’s absurdly simple but perfect baby pants from Simple Sewing for Baby) and a little hooded jacket for Jolyon. But moving up to garments for me, garments with actual shaping, feels like moving up to varsity. Woven fabric is so much less forgiving than knit fabric. But there’s only one way to get better. So I’m starting with the Wiksten Tova Top. Umpteen squillion people have made this blouse and an image search reveals that most of them look pretty great. I think the pattern is a good level of challenge for me right now. I’m going to take a stab at it in a voile, a lighter fabric than the quilting cotton I’ve mostly sewn with; if that turns out okay I’ll be ready to take the plunge and cut into the precious Liberty lawn to which I treated myself last summer. Any other quasi-beginners want to join me in a sew-along? Any seasoned pros want to offer words of wisdom?
Tentatively, yes. I just made a dress for my daughter (6 years old) last week and a skirt the week before. I just bought a sewing machine at the beginning of May too. This is the only sewing I’ve done since I was a teenager. I’ve forced my mother to make some curtains and Halloween costumes for my children though. But something I might wear myself? Ok, I’ll give it a go.
i admire your desire to move up to varsity. I’m in the same boat. Kid garments are a great playground for learning and i’ve spent some time there. Starting to move on up to actual, proper grown up garments feels a bit scary!
Aha! I’ve made it – also in a voile. My only tip is to make the neck and placket edging in the same weight fabric as the main fabric. I went for a nicely contrasting but heavier edging fabric and as a result the placket flops about and tucks itself under more often than not. I mean to add some buttons and buttonholes to try to rein in those flippy flappy placket flaps!
Also if I were to do the shirt again I’d pay better attention to adjusting the length to my short stature but I don’t think you’ll have that problem.
I’ve been dreaming up a little variation to the Tova top pattern to make a wintry dress… I could be convinced to tova-along with you !