I was in the shower on our first morning home when I heard the thunder of a large African mammal barreling up the stairs. It turned out to be Ada, fizzing with excitement. “I FOUND A ‘NORMOUS CUCUMBER! YOU LIKE TO HOLD IT, MAMA?” I would. Our first cucumber was a prize specimen. Nothing to be done but hastily throw on clothes and go down to see if there were any more. And there were! We ate the first one on the spot. The carrots and beans had doubled their length during our absence, too. (Thanks to our neighbors, who watered them!) There is hardly anything as sure to give you hope for the human race as watching little children goggle at food they’ve grown themselves.
And my mother made Ada’s fabulous birthday dress. I tell you, she is revoltingly talented and she doesn’t even practice. I can’t recall that she ever sewed for me and my brother apart from the Halloween costumes, but boy does she have skills. And maybe she’ll leave a comment to tell us what the pattern is, because I forgot to ask. It has a sweet row of pleats at the neckline that’s just enough detail without being frilly, which Ada definitely isn’t. She loves this dress and so do I. Thanks, Mum!
What a beauty that big girl has become.
That is a wonderful dress. Your garden looks really productive. Mine always find the shadiest spot of the yard to be in (even if I move them from year to year).
Hurray for the enthusiastic cucumber bearer – and her gardening Mama! How do you do it all?
Dress is from Kwik Sew, 3775, merely following directions, but with intermittent “What!?”s at commands to do things like ‘now stuff the dress through the shoulder piece’ (brandish chopsticks). Otherwise simple. And scrabbled together with love. XOX