The weeks go by more or less like this. Knitting, work deadlines, construction, the pell-mell of family, the clatter and whistle of the approaching holidays already audible in the distance to those of us aspiring to make gifts — and yet the photographs make it all look so still. The camera can’t really capture life. Or can it? There was stillness to be had. The dog in her sunbeam savored it. My little ones tasted it for a moment, watching the grown-ups race the cyclocross course — and then rejected it, clambering back onto their own bicycles to try this divinely muddy and exhilarating sport for themselves. A little baby ice storm halfheartedly forced it on the city for a few hours last Tuesday — a snow day with no snow! And at last my husband and I helped ourselves to a sweet spoonful of stillness: two nights at the coast while the children rumpused their sainted grandparents, and a whole day in between to sniff around bookstores, eat breakfast at noon, and loll about reading and talking and imagining. Taco truck spoils in front of the fire. Bit by bit, finding the rhythm of two again, so we’ll know how to listen for it through the noise. Because like the stillness, it’s always there.
Tomorrow’s a big day around here. I’ll be back to preen my feathers about a new design!
There’s a beautiful item credited to your handiwork in a treasured corner of the internet today, and a copy of it has already found its way into my “Knit me!” folder on the desktop! Very much looking forward to some quality late autumn, early winter knitting…
That piece you’re knitting looks very squooshy! Love reading your post, I feel it’s giving me a bit a peace. We’ve got lots going on, and none of it bad, but I am finding myself overwhelmed and not knowing how to handle it all! Preschool fundraisers, Christmas events, 3yo and 5mo going through their daily paces, and… we just put an offer on a house! So, trying to get that all sorted and the very real possibility of a move right after Christmas. Whooo boy! I know what you mean, life doesn’t stand still, but seeing those pictures and reading your words helps me remember the still moments that present themselves throughout the day. I’m going to try my best to cling to those as we go through this whirlwind.
Jolly’s hand on Ada’s shoulder in that penultimate photo–my heart exploded a little bit.